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HP+ leverages live meeting technology so our experts and distinguished guests can reach a broader audience with tools, models, and knowledge in real time. Register in advance to engage with our local, regional, and global partners in a collaborative learning environment, or review our archive at your convenience. Check back regularly for new webinars that foster dialogue on topics that impact health policy, financing, and outcomes and join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.
Program areas related to counseling and services, supply chain, and community norms are on the agenda for this lively discussion about how family planning programs can better help women continue with the methods they choose
Health Policy Plus has developed a Legal and Policy Framework to Accountability approach to help stakeholders understand the accountability ecosystem, the opportunities it affords, and the gaps that limit it to improve the effectiveness of family planning strategies, policies, programs and advocacy.
For the people of Guatemala, access to family planning services can prove difficult. This is especially true among Guatemala's indigenous populations, many of whom live in the rural communities of the Western Highlands. But Guatemala's National Contraceptive Security Commission and a network of local, multisector subcommittees are helping to improve the quality of and access to family planning services and commodities.
Religious leaders in Malawi are using Messages of Hope to help dispel HIV myths and misconceptions, fight stigma, and increase acceptance of HIV services and treatment. HP+ held a virtual watch party of the new short film with a panel discussion afterwards.
This webinar will discuss blended finance opportunities in health within the Indian and Sub-Saharan context, based on recent studies identifying commercial engagement in the family planning and essential health products space.
Florence Bwanali, HP+ Technical Advisor for the BFHI, and Janet Guta, Deputy Director for Nutrition in Malawi’s Ministry of Health, will share results and lessons learned from the program.
This webinar examines capacity strengthening approaches from Nigerian and Kenyan experts who are driving sustainable changes toward better health outcomes.
This webinar discusses funding for HIV from various international and local stakeholders, as well as costing for service delivery and long-term resources.
With the need for digital tools in the COVID-19 era, HEP+ has partnered with Guatemalan stakeholders to increase information sharing through digital platforms.
Join us for a discussion among the authors the multisectoral actions imperative for sustainable development programs and how we can reimagine multisectoral approaches in our health programs.
This webinar will discuss the state of the art in public financial management and its role in the global effort to advance universal health coverage, explore recent advances to strengthen public financial management in Kenya and Mozambique.
This webinar will explore advances made through this collaboration—highlighting notable achievements in fiscal space for health, data analysis, and private sector engagement.
Este seminario web reunirá a expertos de varios países quienes compartirán experiencias, lecciones aprendidas, y herramientas útiles para la planeación e implementación de un programa de vacunación contra la COVID-19.
This session will provide healthcare workers with information to educate patients, their families, and other household members to strengthen the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the community.
This policy forum highlights the key factors that could help countries make decisions to further improve access and quality simultaneously, especially when faced with a resource constraint.
Panelists will review the potential for scale-up and sustainability of state health insurance schemes in Nigeria, using the blueprint in Lagos State as a case study.
The PrEP-it tool will be introduced and examples of how it works and where it has been used, will be examined in this webinar.
Worldwide, a woman dies every two minutes from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. But in Kenya, the tide is turning in basic health services. Join us on November 10 for a virtual watch party and panel discussion.
Join us for a watch party of our short film about how reforms, aimed at strengthening the country's primary health system and providing financial protections, are starting to change lives in Nigeria.
This webinar will critically review diverging fertility assumptions underlying prominent projections and consider what implications they hold for health policy, programming, and funding.
What can work for family planning do to catalyze domestic financing, in line with countries’ broader health and development goals?
How is Cambodia's government actively working to advance universal health coverage? Join our new webinar discussion.
Our latest webinar will showcase the COVID-19 public health response underway, featuring ongoing service delivery activities in Brazil, El Salvador, and Honduras.
How can decentralized health systems finance healthcare inputs consistently and efficiently? Learn about the experiences of countries that have managed the decentralization of health sector financing and governance.
The emergence of COVID-19 has started the debate on whether health should be re-prioritized in government budgets with explicit allocations and earmarks is re-emerging.
Experts from the Ministry of Health of Liberia, the Healthcare Federation of Liberia, and Africa Health Business will share reflections on the opportunities and challenges of private sector engagement in health and discuss collaboration between the public and private health sector in Liberia.
Join us for a discussion on key lessons learned and the way forward in the journey to self-reliance for Nigeria.
HP+ experts will present on an approach for diagnosing inequities in family planning program components for disadvantaged groups at national and subnational levels.
Presenters provide an overview of the CIP Performance Dashboard and how countries are using it to monitor execution of their CIPs.
Experts from Madagascar and the Philippines will share insights into the main policy enablers and inhibitors for sustainably financing family planning in their countries.
HP+ experts reviewed methodologies used to assess the technical efficiency of health services in developing countries.
HP+ experts share their insights on the ability of public financial management strategies to increase allocation and subsequent spending for HIV programs.
Our panelists will discuss lessons learned from various countries, the challenges encountered, and the role of the private sector in the TB response.
Presenters provide examples on PEPFAR's Minimum Program Requirements.
Créer une vision commune pour la planification familiale: Aligner les Plans d'Action Nationaux Budgétisés (PANB) et les Cadres d'investissement du GFF.
View our webinar discussion on the Total Market Approach Projection Tool.
This new webinar demonstrates a new resource, PrEP-it for oral PrEP implementation planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
Co-authors of a special issue of the journal Public Administration and Development, discuss the role of stewardship in strengthening health systems.
Speakers discuss how to plan for social contracting as part of a long-term sustainability strategy, how to advocate for it, policy and regulatory challenges, how to develop mechanisms to put social contracting in place, and how to implement and monitor social contracting's success.
On February 13, UNICEF hosted a webinar to examine contextualized policy and programming solutions to this tension. The webinar featured presenters from the Government of the Philippines, who shared their experiences with age of consent policies, and Health Policy Plus, who introduced participants to a new framework for distinguishing the evolving capacity and maturity of children when determining age of consent and a child's right to express their preference.
With a focus on policy implementation, integrated health systems, self-reliance and sustainability, the webinars share lessons learned, best practices, new tools and approaches and other priority or emerging policy issues impacting the health policy field.
Population dynamics lay at the heart of some of the most salient development topics in Guatemala, including health, education, economic growth, and security. Exploring these dynamics, the Health and Education Policy Plus project conducted a study to examine whether and how achieving the education and reproductive health goals outlined in Plan K'atun, the country's development plan, could affect various sectors and outcomes, specifically those related to health, education, economic growth, and security.
The Family Planning Financing Roadmap was discontinued July 2024.
The Family Planning Financing Roadmap is an online resource to help identify a sustainable pathway to achieve family planning goals through integrating family planning in health financing schemes and improving allocation and efficiency. The website allows family planning stakeholders to learn more about health financing concepts and how they relate to family planning and understand options for financing family planning given a particular country’s context.
On May 23, 2018, HP+ held an interactive webinar on "Fostering Joint Accountability within Health Systems," which introduces our innovative approach to strengthening joint accountability for health outcomes. Watch the recording and learn about our new curriculum for joint accountability!
A five-part series on concrete tools, models, and methods to help countries accelerate progress toward meeting 95-95-95 goals.
The S&D package was presented at a webinar, “Engaging with Health Facilities for HIV-related Stigma Reduction,” on February 16, 2017. At the webinar, HP+ staff joined USAID colleagues to share HP+ best practices, resources, and current work related to engagement with health facilities for HIV-related stigma reduction.